Script to Populate Summary Properties

I was farting around with this anyway... so, see if this works how you want it.

Assuming you're in Details view mode, add the Comments field from the Documents column collection to see the results of running the script...


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<button display="both" icon_size="large" label_pos="right">
	<label>Test Button</label>
	<tip>Test Button</tip>
	<function type="normal">
		<instruction>Rename {f} PRESET=comment </instruction>
  • Unzip the comment.orp file from the attached zip file... it's am Opus rename preset file which you'll need to 'Import' via your Opus rename dialogs File->Import menu (screenshot attached)...

Then, just select a few files, click the button... and provide some feedback. (585 Bytes)