Scripting: handling GPS coordinates

Would anyone like to provide a small script, which would be able to convert decimal GPS data into format Opus uses (with arc minutes & seconds) in the first step, & then write it into the selected image? I think, that the second step is generally possible through the SetAttr command.

At the moment, i have to copy the decimal coordinates from one map (which is BING maps), paste them into another page, which is able to convert the GPS data into the needed format, then type it into the fields in Opus.

For example, this could be the input format for the script:




SetAttr should accept both the decimal format and the arc/minutes/seconds format these days:

Oh, i didn't realize that. Thanks for the hint. By the way, i rediscovered some dedicated program for that task, GeoSetter, which also provides a map. So my request is a bit obsolete. But maybe it's still not a bad idea, if we could "feed" geo data directly into the metadata.

What do you mean?

What i meant was, that it is too slow to paste or type the data into the meta panel, if you want to edit thousands of files. So, for example, if i had a pair of coordinates in the clipboard, like "53,600844 9,987897", a click on a button would cause the SetAttr command to put these coords directly into the picture's metadata. That would require to split the clipboard data into two parts, & then apply them accordingly to the latitude/longitude fields.

It's the same speed for one file or thousands, since it can set multiple files at once.

If the geo data would all be the same, yes. But you have different coordinates with almost every image, so i cannot mass tag them in one go. Maybe i should also explain, that i dont have any GPS device for my cameras. I have to look up the locations in the map, copy the coordinates, then type them into the meta panel. the initial idea was to save the typing. The script would set the coordinates from the clipboard using SetAttr.

OK, with those details I think I now understand what you're trying to do.

A script could do that, but if you already have a specialised tool that has a map etc. built in then it'd still be better and there would be no point in writing the script unless other people ask for the same thing.

I didn´t think of that tool at first, sorry. Maybe, because it has drawback, even in the recent version, which requires some steps afterwards (resetting the "created" time to the shootingtime). Anyway, i can open the coords from Opus, using Google maps, which is great. Don´t know, if any other file manager has such a plugin.