"search" option in contextual menu to open DOpus search page

Is it possible to tweak the "search" option in a folder contextual menu (right-click, in a navigation tree) so that it opens the DOpus search page and not the default Windows 7 search page? Currently, I have to use CTRL-F to open the DOpus search page.

Thanks in advance!

Did you read this post: [Windows Search)

To add the code to the context menu:

Click Settings > File Types > Double click All files and folders > Context Menu Tab > New >

Action: DOpus Search ...
Type: Run an Opus function


@firstfileonly @dirsonly Find IN {filepath$}

It works very well, thanks Christiaan!

I know I'm asking a lot, but is there a way to remove the default "search" item from the context menu after adding the new one? Can we configure all the items in the context menu?

I made a little mistake: It's better to add the code to All folders instead of All files and folders: Settings > File Types > Double click All folders > Context Menu Tab > New

Ok, of course we can't search in a file.. Thanks!

To remove the default "search" item from the context menu after adding the new one:

Settings > File Types > Double click All folders > Actions Tab > Select find > click the Delete button

And here are the original settings, in case you want the original Search item back ([FindFolder("%l", %I)]):

Amazing, thanks.

Well, you could before you changed it to use DOpus' implementation. :stuck_out_tongue:

Don't get me wrong. I have been a huge proponent of Directory Opus' search function, and will be a loyal and lifetime supporter of Directory Opus in general, but I got to say that with Windows 7 (and probably with Vista, too, but I didn't give it a chance), Microsoft has made great strides in their desktop search engine.

I've playing around with it the past few days, and I am utterly amazed how fast and responsive it is, even when the drive or directory you are searching hasn't been indexed yet--if it has been indexed, the results are instant. The best part is that it searches incrementally, i.e., it searches and updates the results as you type.

To turn a phrase, I guess old impressions die hard. :slight_smile: