Search via Internet

And how to search w/o extension?

{file|noext|urlencode} should work

Not yet...


@Leo: Perfect. I should have figured it out myself... :roll_eyes:

You're right, the combination wasn't working. I've fixed that for the next beta.

Don't worry, it didn't work yet. But it will work after the next update. Glad you mentioned it, or we would not have noticed!

For me it works!

It's removing the extension for you?

Yes, tested on 2 machines and also with multiple files. As usercommand.

Stop, I was running 12.23.1 beta, there it works (wasn't it included later?). After update to 12.23.2 it's broken.

urlencode didn't exist in 12.23.1. Presumably there was nothing to encode in the filename so you thought it was working when it was just removing the extension and ignoring the new/unknown thing.

Sorry for asking, but what means encode in filename?

Got it.