Searching folder descriptions

Is there a way to rather use a dialog box, than the search panel? I'm using this command to search for tags in images:

FIND IN "K:\Bilder" "H:\Fotografie2" QUERY {dlgstring|find in K}
/home\dopusrt.exe /cmd Set SHOWFILTERFILENAME=*.jpg

Now i would like to have something similar for the folder's descriptions, because it is more compact. Every photo folder has its own description, so i only want to search folders only.

A good solution would be, if i sort by the description column, if we could use the FAYT function.

Try Preferences / File Display Modes / Details / Sort-field specific key scrolling

Try Preferences / File Display Modes / Details / Sort-field specific key scrolling[/quote]

Doesn't work for me, as i had that option on all the time. When i have the sort on the description field, as soon as i start typing, all folders will be hidden, instead showing those, that should have been found.

That option only affects the FAYT's Find mode.

Hmm, not quite sure, what you mean. As far as i see here, it only works with the name column. Maybe it is not supposed to work with the description column. Then i will have to stick to the panel, where i have a filter for that.

You are using Filter mode. You need to use Find mode for the option to work.

Find mode jumps to the first match item (or others if you push F3), and highlights other matching items.

Filter mode hides non-matching items.

Find mode is the default, so you must've changed your FAYT config if it is using Filter mode as soon as you type anything.

Sorry, i have no idea. Here are my settings.

The drop-down at the bottom, labelled "Default mode (no activation key required)", which says "Filter": Change it back to "Find".

Ok, now i see. I get a mixed list of items, with stuff highlighted. But that is not what i want. It lists unrelated stuff (no yellow highlight), which is distracting, when the relevant stuff is scattered. You have to scroll a lot, until the next relevant item is revealed, etc.

Also, it's stuff inside the folders, like JPGs, but i only want the top level with the folders only, that contain the keyword. Here is an example, what i mean:

Suppose, i had a list of over 700 folders, all with descriptions, & i have typed the word "Altona", which would filter out all folders in that level only, containing that word, with all non-matching folders hidden. If i use the find panel, it works, like shown in the image below, but i was searching for a more compact solution.

We know how it works :slight_smile: We were just trying to explain to you what the difference between FAYT Find and Filter mode was.

Bottom line is then, i can't really search the descriptions in a convenient way. :frowning:

What would be the problem, to make it so, that we could sort by any column, & the FAYT just looks in that column for matches?

Currently that's not how it works.

Yes, i know :slight_smile:. That's why i hoped, that i could put those search clauses from the filter into a single raw command, like those in the initial post.

Oh I see :slight_smile: No, not at the moment. But we have something planned down the track which will make it possible.

That would come in very handy. I use the panel for some intricate tasks, where i have some filters saved, but it's a tad too heavy for some quick filtering or just a plain search. :thumbsup: