Is there a way to rather use a dialog box, than the search panel? I'm using this command to search for tags in images:
FIND IN "K:\Bilder" "H:\Fotografie2" QUERY {dlgstring|find in K}
/home\dopusrt.exe /cmd Set SHOWFILTERFILENAME=*.jpg
Now i would like to have something similar for the folder's descriptions, because it is more compact. Every photo folder has its own description, so i only want to search folders only.
Doesn't work for me, as i had that option on all the time. When i have the sort on the description field, as soon as i start typing, all folders will be hidden, instead showing those, that should have been found.
Hmm, not quite sure, what you mean. As far as i see here, it only works with the name column. Maybe it is not supposed to work with the description column. Then i will have to stick to the panel, where i have a filter for that.
Ok, now i see. I get a mixed list of items, with stuff highlighted. But that is not what i want. It lists unrelated stuff (no yellow highlight), which is distracting, when the relevant stuff is scattered. You have to scroll a lot, until the next relevant item is revealed, etc.
Also, it's stuff inside the folders, like JPGs, but i only want the top level with the folders only, that contain the keyword. Here is an example, what i mean:
Suppose, i had a list of over 700 folders, all with descriptions, & i have typed the word "Altona", which would filter out all folders in that level only, containing that word, with all non-matching folders hidden. If i use the find panel, it works, like shown in the image below, but i was searching for a more compact solution.
That would come in very handy. I use the panel for some intricate tasks, where i have some filters saved, but it's a tad too heavy for some quick filtering or just a plain search.