"Select By Filter" menu button

I have taken the liberty of adapting YankeeZulu's idea and turning it into a pop-up filter menu. The following code creates a $FilterMenu command which I usually access from my lister context (right click) menu. The screen grabs show how it works.

FilterMenu.vbs.txt (3.9 KB)

' $FilterMenu [filterflags] [clear]
' v1.0 (2014/06/04) Pop-up menu of user defined saved filters. Sample calls..
' 1. $FilterMenu [select]
' 2. $FilterMenu clear
' 3. $FilterMenu deselect
' 4. $FilterMenu hidenomatch,deselect
' 5. $FilterMenu hide,deselect
' Pops up a menu of saved filters then executes the selected filter or does nothing if escape is pressed.
' The default action is "select" if no filterflags are specified.
' The "clear" option is a special case, used to clear all active filters. No menu is displayed.
' See https://resource.dopus.com/t/select-by-filter-menu-button/18483/1 for YankeeZulu's original button code.
' Adapted by AussieBoykie to use a single choice pop-up menu rather than a multiple choice checklist.

option explicit

Function OnInit(ByRef initData) ' OnInit is called by DOpus to initialize the script
   initData.name = "Choose Filter From Menu"
   initData.version= "1.0"
   initData.desc = "Adds the $FilterMenu command to Directory Opus"
   initData.copyright = "Adapted by AussieBoykie from original code by YankeeZulu"
   initData.default_enable = true
   dim cmd : set cmd = initData.AddCommand()
   cmd.name = "$FilterMenu" ' This is the name of the command being added
   cmd.method = "Main" ' This is the routine to execute when the command is invoked 
   cmd.desc = initData.desc
   cmd.label = initdata.name
   cmd.template = "Args/M,Clear/S"
End Function

Function Main(ByRef scriptCmdData) ' This is the executable code
   Dim argstring, cdf, dlg, File, Filter, Filters, Folder, FSO, i, list, menu, path, result, s
   Set list = DOpus.NewVector : Set menu = DOpus.NewVector
   Set cdf = scriptCmdData.Func
   If cdf.args.got_arg.Clear Then ' Special case
      Exit Function
   End If
   If cdf.args.got_arg.Args Then ' Build an argstring for FILTERFLAGS - e.g. select,hidenomatch
      argstring = trim(cdf.args.Args(0))
      For i=2 to cdf.args.Args.count
         argstring = argstring & " " & trim(cdf.args.Args(i-1))
      argstring = replace(argstring," ",",",1,-1,1) ' Eliminate embedded spaces (change to inoffensive commas)
      argstring = "select" ' Default argstring is select
   End If
   path = DOpus.FSUtil.Resolve("/dopusdata\Filters\") ' This is where Opus user defined filters are stored
   Set Filters = DOpus.FSUtil.ReadDir(path) ' This is the filters folder object
   list(0) = "Clear all filters" : menu(0) = 0 ' No default selection
   i = 0
      Set Filter = Filters.next
      If Filters.error Then Exit Do
      If LCase(Filter.ext) = ".ofi" Then
         i = i + 1
         If i = 1 Then ' If there is at least one filter then insert a separator
            list(i) = "-" : menu(i) = 0
            i = i + 1
         End If
         list(i) = Filter.name_stem : menu(i) = 0
      End If
   Loop While Not Filters.complete
   set dlg = scriptCmdData.Func.Dlg
   With dlg
      .choices = list
      .menu = menu
      i = dlg.result
   End With
   If i = 0 Then ' Do nothing
   ElseIf i = 1 Then ClearAll ' Clear all filters      
      s = "Select """ & dlg.choices(i-1) & """ FILTER FILTERFLAGS=" & argstring
      DOpus.output s
      With scriptCmdData.Func.Command
         .addline("Set AUTOSIZECOLUMNS")
      End With
   End If
End Function

Function ClearAll
   Dim cmd
   Set cmd = DOpus.NewCommand
   With cmd
      .addline "Set SHOWFILTERFILENAME="""""
      .addline "Set HIDEFILTERFILENAME="""""
      .addline "Set SHOWFILTERFOLDERS="""""
      .addline "Set HIDEFILTERFOLDERS="""""
      .addline "Set HIDEFILTERATTR="""""
      .addline "Set SHOWFILTERATTR="""""
      .addline "Set QUICKFILTERCLEAR"
      .addline "Select NOPATTERN SHOWHIDDEN"
      .addline("Set AUTOSIZECOLUMNS")
   End With
End Function

I added some buttons to my lister context menu to provide a right mouse click interface.
These could just as easily be added to a toolbar.

This is part of the filters menu that pops up when I right mouse click.

Here is the result of clicking Filter (Select) from the context menu and then Last5Days.
Button code is $FilterMenu

Here is the result of clicking Show Filtered (Matched) from the context menu and then Last5Days.
Button code is $FilterMenu hidenomatch,deselect

Here is the result of clicking Show Filtered (UnMatched) from the context menu and then Last5Days.
Button code is $FilterMenu hide,deselect

You can also use $FilterMenu clear to clear all filters.

Regards, AB