Select command in drop menu question

I made two new actions for my archive filetype, one for the context menu and one for the drop menu.
Both actions do the same thing, extract the archive to a new folder with the archive name without extension. This works fine.
After the action is done extracting the files to the new folder I want that folder to be selected, so I used the select command to make that happen.
For the context menu action I used this command: Select "{filepath$|noext}" MAKEVISIBLE
This also works fine.

For the drop menu, I knew I couldn't use "{filepath$|noext}", so I used "{d}\{o|noext}" instead.
Making the command: Select "{d}\{o|noext}" MAKEVISIBLE
And even though the files do get extracted where I want them in the new folder, the new folder does not get selected afterwards.

I checked "{d}\{o|noext}" with the Clipboard SET command and it does hold the correct path to the new folder.

What am I doing wrong?

Select operates on items in the source.


Set SOURCE=toggle

Thanks, that almost works.
I do have to change it to:

Set SOURCE=toggle

Then the new folder does get selected, but Dopus opens a new dual lister to do it.
I want the new folder to get selected in the already open tab I dragged my archive to (probably should have said that in the question :sweat:).

OPENINDEST instead of OPENINDUAL might work. If not, it may not be possible (at least without a script that finds the destination file display based on the path).

I see no different result using OPENINDEST instead of OPENINDUAL.

But I've managed to get what I want using:


Now, of course, whether it works or not is dependent on the creation and modified dates.
But I can live with that :grin:.

I do find it strange that SELECT does work for date and not for a path though...

Did you have the Set SOURCE=toggle in when you tried it that way? That could be what's making it work.

Another idea (not tested):

Set SOURCE=toggle
Go PATH={filepath|noext} OPENCONTAINER

I had already tied Set SOURCE=toggle before and after the SELECT command.
It didn't work.
And alas, the other idea didn't work as well.