Selected/highlighted thumbnail *overlay* color

I searched both here and in Opus Preferences and Windows 10 settings before posting; I am interested in changing the transparent overlay color used when thumbnails are selected/highlighted.

First turn off Preferences / Display / Options / Use visual style to draw items (overrides selection colors).

Then selection colors can be set under Preferences / Display / Colors and Fonts / Files and Folders and similar.

Doh! Thank you, leo.

hmm, appears I already had Preferences / Display / Options / Use visual style to draw items (overrides selection colors) turned off.

Not seeing what files and folders item choice appears to affect image thumbnails when they are selected.

Apologies, it's more complicated than I remembered.

The settings I pointed to will affect the labels, and change how the thumbnails themselves are highlighted, but the color comes from elsewhere.

If the Windows visual style is used, the color (or texture, technically) comes from the visual style, and can't normally be changed other than by changing the Windows theme itself.

If the visual style is not used, the system selection colour is used to highlight the thumbnails. That used to be easy to change, until Windows 10. I have a feeling Microsoft may have removed the control panel for changing system colors, or if they haven't it is very hidden now. It's still possible to change it via an API (and probably the registry), but it will be a system-wide change, not just in Opus.

kind of what I surmised. Win10 is mainly just added mess, and access to stuff we may have known earlier is hidden deeper yet...

I'd like to revive this topic. I really want to turn off "Use visual style to draw items" so I can more easily set colors to tell whether I've got the focus in the file display or the tree display. BUT I really don't want Windows 10 to paint the selected thumbnail in thumbnails view. When "Use visual style" IS selected, the selected thumbnail color is applied 'behind/around' the thumbnail, while it is applied on top of the thumbnail and NOT behind when "Use visual style" is off. I can accept the default Windows 10 thumbnail color if only I can get it behind the thumbnail rather than coloring the thumbnail itself. Any way to use existing Preference choices to get this behavior WITH "Use visual style" OFF?

I don't think there is a way to turn on that combination, sorry.

Sorry for the long delay and I don't mean to pester, but one follow-up; the reason the behavior seems strange to me even given Windows 10 is that File Explorer in Win10 paints the background of the "icons" while DO tints the icon itself and not the background. Is there any chance DO is reversing the foreground/background by mistake?

Opus only tints the icons if you turn off themes/visual styles for items, since that switches to drawing things the Win95-Win2k way..

If they are left on (the default) then it should do the same thing that Explorer does, and the icon is not tinted when selected.