Selecting items (CTRL-S)

Hello all,

Perhaps i'm doing something wrong but I have the following question:

Is it possible to use the "Advanced Selection" to select all the items by the filter and automaticly DESELECT all then current selected item(s)? Now I'm often making a mistake (deleting files by advanced filters) that the selected item (prior to CTRL-S) will also be deleted!

Thanks in advance, kind regards,


You can add the DESELECTNOMATCH option to the Select command I think.
I had a quick test and it seems to work here as you wish.

mmm, "Select DESELECTNOMATCH" doesn't work by me: it adds the newly selected files to the current selected files. I selected some DOCX files - CTRL S - pattern (wildcards) *.XLSX - now both DOCX and XLSX are selected.

Did you change the command in the hotkey? I tried again and it here it works. o)

Yes, I changed it (see image):

What if you run these (or similar) commands separately in the DO command line?

Do the selections add up or not? Here, they do not.

Hi tbone,

Yes, that works as expected. But with CTRL-S it refuses to unselect the currect selected items.

If I modify the hotkey with your commands then it works fine! But if I clear everything but "Select DESELECTNOMATCH" is doesn't work anymore.

If you want to deselect everything, then prompt for what to select, you could use:

Select NONE Select

That's the right one Leo! Thanks a lot!

I can't say why a "Select DESELECTNOMATCH" works for me - even in the hotkey.
Maybe it has something to do with: Preferences / File Operations / Options / Deselect files used in functions

But anyway, Leos variation surely does the trick! o)