1 Can i send mail with COPY command via... some CONTACT List? I want to select a file & choose the needed recipients.
2 Can i search inside files with DOpus?
1 Can i send mail with COPY command via... some CONTACT List? I want to select a file & choose the needed recipients.
2 Can i search inside files with DOpus?
i don't know if i understand, but if you want to search texte inside file (doc, xls, txt...)
Search the manual for "email" and you'll find the details. There's also a FAQ about how the contact list works.
Searching for text inside Office documents may be unreliable since Opus doesn't currently understand the documents -- it just looks for the requested string inside the files -- and I don't think there is any guarantee that the string will always be in one piece in the file. (e.g. If one of the words was in bold then there would probably be some formatting characters around it which would prevent a match).
(Unless support for searching in Office docs got added and I've forgotten about it. I know it's been requested and it is possible via one of the shell APIs.)