"Separate Archives" incredibly slow

Using the Separate Archives button (ARCHIVE=single) to archive multiple folders separately seems to act differently from creating a single archive - performance wise.

For some reason it is reading then writing to the same zip for every new file added to it over and over it seems. As shown in the screenshot. But nothing like that happens when creating just a single zip. Then the hdd is not stressing and is done is seconds even though there are thousands of files, but seems like it would take an hour using the separate archives button.

The option Use temporary file when copying to Zip files along with the one for removable drives are both disabled, but maybe has something to do with it?

Details and a workaround here:

Okay, not to be rude i'm not a developer but. If a script can fix this why not change the ARCHIVE=single internal programming to fix this for everyone?

Is such a performance issue not an important one to fix? Are there some benefits to using non-batch mode? I don't understand it.

Why would it (need to) behave differently at all when it's essentially the same thing a couple of times in sequence?

I could spend an hour explaining the internals but it wouldn’t really help either of us. The reason it’s still the way it is is the usual one: It’s not a trivial change and other work has taken priority so far.

It would be good to change it to always use batch mode when we have the bandwidth to spare, but until then there is a good workaround in the form of the script I posted.

Okay thank you, that is more clear. Sad to hear it though.

Glad i could bring it to the attention at least.