Set AUTOSIZECOLUMNS=widest doesn't align the x-origin of src & dest

command doesn't cause the lister columns to vertically align,
because it does nothing to adjust the width of the tabs-column
on source and dest listers, to the same width,
so the X-origin of the file display is different in source and column listers

Please either
a) add a switch or new parameter e.g. AUTOSIZECOLUMNS=widest_and_tabs
b) add the tab column resizing in to the existing command

Option a) is perhaps the most flexible

Or is there a separate command to set the tabs-display to the same width,
perhaps widest of the two ?

Many thx for your wonderful product.


Do you mean you have the folder tabs set to appear on the left and you want to make the tab bar the same width in both top and bottom file displays?

(There is no "tabs" column, but that's the closest thing I can think of.)

Yes Leo,
the command does resize the columns in the lister,
but not the width of the tabs, so that the file-lists do not start
in the same x-position on the screen,
and thus require a separate operation to make them do so,
as per the attached images

I wouldn't expect it to. Set AUTOSIZECOLUMNS only resizes file display columns; it doesn't and isn't supposed to move anything else around. (This is not a bug, so I've removed the bug-report tag.)

In the next update, we'll add a Set TABWIDTH command which you can use to resize the folder tab bar when it's on the left or right.

Combining Set TABWIDTH and Set AUTOSIZECOLUMNS should then give you what you want.

Thx Leo,
yes, creating an equivalent command to set both tabwidths to the max of both would
serve this purpose .

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