Set COLUMNSTOGGLE=audiocodec does not work

Hi. I'm using v 12.3 x64.

I tried to make a button with

[ul]SET COLUMNSTOGGLE=audiocodec[/ul]
as the command, but it does not work. Nor does "audiocodec" show up in any of the pick lists.

(I had manually typed in the word "audiocodec" in the command, since it didn't appear in the picklists. I simply assumed "audiocodec" was the correct spelling to use, since the video counterpart is "videocodec".)

Oddly, if you manually add a column to the lister display -- as opposed to creating a command for a button -- "audiocodec" DOES show up in the picklist, and it does work. (It's under the "Movies" category.)

Am I missing something? How do I make the button I want?

Try "mp3type", as per ... ommand.htm


Thanks. That works, Teneberous. It works even for .wav files, which is actually the type of files I was concerned with at the moment. And it's interesting that the resulting column heading nonetheless says "Audio Codec", not "mp3type".

Boy, this one most definitely was NOT intuitive. In searching the picklists, I of course ignored "mp3type" since I was concerned with .wav files, not .mp3 files. And the lack of any morphological similarity to its video counterpart, "videocodec", also didn't help.

As for "Why didn't you read the manual, Steve?", I just didn't, not for this. I have read much of the manual over the years, but I never even noticed the "Keywords for Columns" section. Trying to solve my immediate problem, I simply made some (reasonable) assumptions, but alas, those assumptions were wrong and kept me from the solution. It simply never occurred to me that this was something that just didn't lend itself to being figured out or found in the picklists, but was instead one of those things that "you just have to know".

Oh, well. All's well that ends well. Thanks again.

No worries :slight_smile: