Failed to find any references to this in the help or online, but is there a way to include quotes in string values written to metadata fields via SetAttr META? Can they be escaped somehow, or represented as HTML or other characters entities? I’ve tested the following strings, using SetAttr META "Comment:{dlgstring|Enter comment:}":
"this is a quoted string" >>> "this
""this is a quoted string" >>> ""this is a quoted string"
"this is a quoted string"" >>> "this
""this is a quoted string"" >>> ""this is a quoted string""
That did not work for me, as indicated in my original post.
Well, I’m sure with the you mean that in jest anyway, but just thought I’d point out that we can enter quotes in metadata string fields to our hearts’ content when doing so via the Set Metadata panel. It seems that {dlgstring} is the limiting factor for doing it programmatically, though I don’t know if a script could maybe bypass that limitation.