Setting Shooting Time?

Is there a way of doing this with DOpus? If not, any advice on how best set shooting time for images? I have a zillion slides whose shooting dates are more or less known, hence the question.

Regards, AB

Of course...

You can add a new column in details mode for "shootingtime"...

Or add in images tooltip...

The OP wanted to set the shooting time, not view it. I don't think you can do this with Opus.

Oups sorry :cry:

So try this

When I had a zillion scanned photos to set the EXIF dates for, I used the versatile free tool called ExifTool to do it. Note it does require the use of scripting, I use both VBScript and standard batch files that access ExifTool. The link to the ExifTool web site is:

If you're not into scripting then Exifer as mentioned by AlbatorV will do it, however Exifer is no longer being supported. There is another tool that is even more powerful for editing image metadata, it's called PhotoME as is available for free at:

Here a sample button with "exiftool" freeware...

<?xml version="1.0"?> <button backcol="none" display="both" textcol="none"> <label>EXIF Dates</label> <tip>Change EXIF dates</tip> <icon1>#flickrsync</icon1> <function type="batch"> <instruction>RUNMODE HIDE</instruction> <instruction>/dopusdata\exiftool.exe -overwrite_original_in_place {dlgchoose|Select dates to modify...|Date modified=-modifydate+Date taken=-DateTimeOriginal+Date digitized=-createdate+All Dates=-AllDates}=&apos;{RS|Enter new dates... (Format: yyyy:mm:dd)|{date|yyyy:MM:dd}}&apos;{RS|Enter new times... (Format: hh:mm:ss)|{time|HH:mm:ss}} {F!} </instruction> </function> </button>

Need to replace exiftool.exe path...

Thanks to all respondents. I overlooked the obvious (simple) solution which is to use Photoshop Elements. It came bundled with the Epson V700 scanner that I'm using to scan several thousand old slides. After scanning a batch, I simply select the relevant images in the Organiser window and change the date/time. This actually sets the shooting date/time not, as I first thought, the modified date/time.

Regards, AB