Settings > Preferences > Fav & Recent > Folder Aliases

Is there any way to customis the keys in this window.
Alt-a = Add new entry
Alt-d = Edit a highlighted entry
Alt-e = Deleted a highlighted entry.

I would very much like to swap Alt-d and Alt-e around as intuitively I am deleting entries by mistake. I automatically hit Alt-e to edit and of course it deletes.

Indeed, were these implemented the right way around I wonder?

Not sure if it's intentional or not but I've submitted a report on this. It makes sense to me for them to be reversed.

I see this post was opened April 2008.
I think 9 years is long enough to wait.
Come on DOpus help me stop deleting entries by mistake!!!!
Love your work!!!

We can't change what Alt-A does because it's the Apply button, and always has been, in every page of Preferences, and in most dialogs throughout Opus, Windows and 3rd party software that have an Apply button.

Changing the key that used to to mean Add to make it Delete would also confuse people who are used to the current keys, the same way you are confused now. We'd be improving things for one person while making problems for others. Using completely new keys might make sense but there aren't many to choose from here.

The keys for the buttons above the list are automatically assigned based on the button labels in each language. "Add" only has two letters to choose from, and A cannot be used, so it uses D. We can override things but it's usually good to have the key be part of the label if possible.

We could remove the hotkey from the Delete button to free up E for the Edit button (The Delete button doesn't really need an accelerator as you can use the Delete key). But the Add button can't have Alt-A; that won't ever happen.