SFTP won't upload my file

I've been trying to opload a 274kb PDF file called "extra-cellular water.pdf" to our group drive at work via SFTP.

Dopus creates a zero kb file with the correct file name on the remote drive but then I get the message "An error occurred copying 'extra-cellular water.pdf': Access denied (5)"

In desperation I resorted to good old FileZilla, which copied the file without a murmur, and in double-quick time.

Trying dopus again after Filezilla - problem is still there, so it isn't anything like the source file being locked to an application.

Anyone got any idea what I'm doing wrong, or is this a dopus bug? I haven't been able to find much on the forum to throw light on this.



See if the log reveals any extra information (FTP icon -> Display FTP Log, in the default toolbars).

Make sure Opus and Filezilla are using exactly the same configuration for the site in question. (Same protocol, same port, proxy setup (if applicable), directory, username, etc.)

Check that your firewall software (or hardware if applicable) is not treating Opus differently to Filezilla and potentially blocking the data connection when trying to send a file.

It might also be worth verifying that you can use Opus to copy the PDF file to a local drive, in case Opus is having problems reading the PDF file for some reason. (Unlikely, but if it is that then it takes us down a completely different path, so it's worth ruling out if none of the above helps.)