Could you please shade (or separate with a horizontal line like the vertical ones that already separate the columns) the header row on the Columns tab of Folder Options ? It would make the page clearer and quicker to navigate.
Thanks !
Could you please shade (or separate with a horizontal line like the vertical ones that already separate the columns) the header row on the Columns tab of Folder Options ? It would make the page clearer and quicker to navigate.
Thanks !
What about every other listview control in the system, in and out of Opus?
More seriously, that is drawn by windows and down to the Windows 10 visual style. In the last few years Microsoft seem to have developed a fetish for white space and not delineating different parts of the UI anymore, which we all hope they will grow out of soon.
Haven't played with Dopus 12 long enough to realize either that all the dopus lists are like this, nor did I know that this was a standard listview control.
I withdraw my request, and will send it instead to Microsoft. I'll make sure to add lots of white space.