Whenever I try to create a shortcut, I get the following message:
"An error occurred creating link 'Shortcut to readme.lnk': Incorrect function. (1)
Anybody knows how to fix this problem??
Creating shortcuts seems fine for me. (Opus here.)
What are you creating shortcuts to, and where are you creating them? Normal local harddrive folders, or somewhere else?
How are you creating the shortcuts? Right-click drag & drop menu, or a toolbar button, or?
Hi Tanis,
I try to create shortcuts of a file by dragging and dropping to another lister.
You're thinking of the other admin.
Drag & drop on its own won't create a shortcut. You must either be holding Alt while you drag or dragging with the right mouse button and then selecting Create Shortuct from the menu. Which is it?
Both seem to work fine for me which is why I asked the other questions: What type of file are you creating a shortcut to? Where is that file? Where are you creating the shortcut?
Could you post a screenshot showing the source item and folder and the destination folder, and the error message? That might reveal what is different that means it works for me but not for you.
Oops, sorry for the confusion...
Here's the screen capture:
Nothing unusual there, except that the destination is in the All Users start menu which you might not have access to (only administrators can write there).
Could you try creating the same shortcut using two Explorer windows to see if that works? If it doesn't work, do you get a different error message?
If it does work in Explorer but not in Opus, could you run Process Monitor and log what happens when you try to create the shortcut in Opus, then post the log here?
I have full access to the All Users start menu, and I have no problem creating shortcuts with Windows Explorer.
Here's the file you requested:
Thanks again for your help!
The log file shows that Opus fails to open
C:\Program Files\Applis\Directory Opus 9\dopushlp.dll
Is that where you have Opus installed? Is the dopushlp.dll missing from there?
Hi Nudel,
This is where I had originally installed it but reinstalled it later to the default when the themes wouldn't work.
Anyway, I reinstalled it again and it works.
Thanks again for your help,