Shortcuts stopped working

Hello, I checked the documentation and the Fortum to see if there was a similar problem but couldnt find any.

All my simple shorctus in Directory Opus stopped working.
from Ctrl + C to simply clicking, shift + delete doesnt work.

Is there a setting i can reset to fix the issue? I was editing some preferences and im unsure when this happened.

Those shortcuts come from the Menu toolbar by default.

If you've turned it off entirely, you can tell Opus to still use the hotkeys in it by going to Customize / Toolbars, selecting Menu on the left, and checking Always enable this toolbar's keys in Listers on the right.

If the Menu toolbar has been edited to remove most of the items on it, you would need to create standalone hotkeys for them, or restore the menu to how it was originally.

oh wonderful! This fixed it! Thank you for the tip!

I love Directory Opus and been reccomending to everyone

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