Show folder size when in thumbnail view

Hello Everyone! Is it possible to show folder sizes underneath the icon and name of a folder in thumbnail vie? I have sizes turned on as a column in details view but would also really like it to show up in thumbnail view.

I don't think it's possible in thumbnail view but it is in tiles mode:

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That looks perfect with some tweaking I was also able to get the sizing to look similar to thumbnail mode too! Is there any drawback to tiles mode vs thumbnail? It just seems like tiles can straight up do more?

I think the only thing I notice so far is screen real estate. Mostly because thumbnail puts text below whereas tiles is putting it to the right. Can I put tiles text below instead of to the right?

I don't know if this would be hard to implement but having a checkbox in settings to show file size in thumbnail view for folders similar to how it shows on files in thumbnail view would be super helpful instead of having to hover for a tooltip every single time.

We'll add this in 13.11.1.