Sidebar desktop tab crashing Dopus


I recently updated to Dopus 13 from 12 like many others.
With this update, it turns out my sidebar has somewhat changed, without me wanting it.
I used to have quick access, although I never use it and would very much like to just remove that folder from the sidebar. I also have favorites which I used for bookmarks. Then there was the This PC tab, which just displayed all my drives and gave me quick and easy access to everything. Now the This PC tab has been exchanged for Desktop, which shows everything on my desktop, and This PC. Whenever I right-click the Desktop tab, Dopus crashes.

File Collections, and FTP were also added to the sidebar. Although I want to just remove Quick Access, Desktop, File Collections, FTP, and instead just add This PC on its own, I can't.

Anyhow, I am unsure why Dopus crashes when I right-click the Desktop Tab. The link leads to a YouTube video showing the crashing issue.

Would also love any input on how to potentially remove the unwanted tabs from my sidebar.
Thanks in advance!
(also if this is the wrong format I will correct if needed)

Preferences / Folder Tree / Contents lets you choose what appears in the folder tree, and in which order.

For the crash, please see if there are logs and send them to us: Automatic crash logs (for bug reports)

Crashes when right-clicking are almost always caused by shell extensions something else has installed, but we can use those logs to confirm that and often tell you which extension is causing the problem.

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Thank you very much for all the info.
I looked through the folder tree just a bit but forgot to click on the contents tab, thank you, this was what I was looking for.

As for the dump log, I will send that to the support email listed in the given post immediately.

Thanks for sending in the DMP.

It looks like a crash when selecting a menu item, not just opening the menu? But it's also possible I'm seeing the result of a menu item which was selected previously and is still waiting to finish.

In either case, the crash is happening inside of a Windows DLL, unfortunately. That makes me wonder if you see similar problems when using the same menu/item in other software. For example, via the File > Open dialog in MSPaint.exe. (Also worth trying in File Explorer, but sometimes there are bugs where a menu works in File Explorer but literally nothing else, even other Microsoft apps that come with Windows.)

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