Silent Install Custom Configurations?

OK. I have search the boards and found the silent install information by leo (thanks!). However, I am curious as if there is a way to restore a backup configuration silently (command line). I haven't found any information on this aspect, aside from creating a batch file to manually copy the files/folders to their proper locations.
If such a feature does not exist, I would like to place a request for such a feature. Any help or other ideas would be appreciated. Thanks! :grin:

Since the configuration is stored in files on the HDD you can simply (exit Opus if it's running and) copy the files over, then start Opus.

There's a FAQ listing where the config files are stored.

I'm agree with you on this aim :wink: (See I hope GPsoft add this feature to future releases.

[quote="leo"]Since the configuration is stored in files on the HDD you can simply (exit Opus if it's running and) copy the files over, then start Opus.

There's a FAQ listing where the config files are stored.[/quote]

Thanks, leo. I guess I'll have to work with this for now. :smiley:

Yeah. It would be great if they would eventually support this. Though it can be resolved with a batch file, fewer steps would be easier.

OK. New situation, though still related.
So, using the instructions for the silent install with registration works. Copying settings over (via batch file) also works. However, whenever I start DOpus it comes up with the configuration dialog (i.e.- Shared or Private settings, DO start with windows, DO default FTP handler, .zip handler, etc.). I would like to configure DO to not ask these questions on first run. No user input is necessary/allowed. Does anyone know of a particular registry setting/config file that disable this prompt? FYI, I performed a test install/run using InstallWatch to catch any (all) changes made to the filesystem and registry by DO. This included the first run configuration dialog that asks the above stated questions. InstallWatch captured the changes made to HKCR for context and shell folder handling, along with basic uninstall info. Even with these keys added via reg file at T-13/T-12 (time frame points in an unattended install) and confirm.osd (to kill the splash screen), whenever DO is executed it still opens the configuration dialog that asks all of the questions. Even using InstallWatch, it appears that going through the configuration process simply writes the exact same values to the registry. Of course, after this is done, it no longer popups up the dialog box. Is this a bit that is marked in a file, the registry, or DOpus.exe itself? Just curious, as this is making deployment fairly difficult to attain. Any response would be greatly appreciated on this one. Have a great day. :grin:

I think the "don't show the first run wizard" thing is triggered by the existence of configuration files in /dopusdata. Maybe userdata.omd is the important one, but I am not certain.

Thanks, leo. I'll give it a try and see if it works.

Hrmmm. That apparently had no effect. I also tried adding the registry key:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GPSoftware\Directory Opus] "StartupProgress"=52 and that apparently had no effect either. I'll keep on trying different things. Hopefully I can come up with an answer. I still would appreciate any feedback as well. Thanks. :smiley:

It's the userdata.omd file as Leo says - if this doesn't exist (or more specifically, if there is no config_type set within it,) then Opus will display the New User wizard on startup.

Thanks, jon. I had used the userdata.omd previously, but didn't have successful results. Are the only valid values for config_type "shared" or "private"? Or, are there more values that can be entered into the file? Just curious. Again, thanks for all of the help guys (and any present 'gals' :wink:). :smiley:

OK. Thank you for the feedback everyone. I've successfully implemented the userdata.omd and it is working as expected. (It didn't work when I attempted before because I had the folders set up as a global config, but the userdata specified a private config. :stuck_out_tongue:)
Anyways, my last question (hopefully) regarding silent installs is this; What value do I have to change (if possible) to disable the autoupdate checking feature? That is, in the configuration files. I know how in the DOpus preferences. I have found that after toggling the option in the preferences, the value:

<flags misc="0x641" ... in the prefs.oxc file changes to:

<flags misc="0x640" ... after disabling automatic update.
I implemented this in my silent install; however, upon opening the DOpus preferences the auto update check option is still checked and an update check is performed shortly after. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. :smiley: