Simple Rename - Add space between lowercase and uppercase

I have a series of files that have the correct character spaces deleted and I want to reinsert them:

For example:


I want to use RegEx to rename these to:

John Jones.txt
Mary Smith 08.jpg

I can manage the matching using RegEx (Old Name field in the DOpus Rename Window) but I don't know how to populate the "New Name" field.

I tried \1 \2 but that just returns the first two characters...

Ugh. RegEx taxes my brain to no end. I have perused the scripts section and tried several, but none I tried work on the example I gave. Any help with thsi seemingly simple problem would be appreciated. I'd actually rather have a script so i can combine replace statements. But the correct RegEx would help immensely. I've been at this for over two hours.



This has come up before, recently if my memory isn't shot, so another forum search might find a better answer than mine.

My skills can't hack that sort of issue, so here is something that I use all the time and that I pilfered from this place.

Old name: (.[a-z])([A-Z].)#

New name: \1 \2

Remember to turn on the case sensitive option in the Rename dialog, too.

Crap, that was the problem: I hadn't selected the case sensitive option. Thanks for the two replies. It explains why I could use the regex online and it matched but it wouldn't work in DOpus the same way.

Thanks for much!
