Size of Files in a Collection

Is there any way to get the size of all folders and files in a collection together?
I mainly use it to copy Data from different Folders on my MP3 Player, so it would come quite handy:)

The Get Sizes command will calculate the size of all subdirectories, showing the results in the Size column. The directory sizes will then also contribute to the totals shown in the status bar.

The Get Sizes command is the middle-click action of the Create Folder button on the default toolbar. You can also find it under File -> File Commands. (Useful if you don't have a middle mouse button, or your middle-button is configured to do something else in your mouse drivers, for example.) You can move the command to another button or hotkey if you want.

It's also possible to have folder sizes calculated automatically in the background whenever a new folder is loaded. Ask if you want to know how. I think most people prefer that the calculation is only done when they want it to be, to avoid the extra disk access.

Ahh, thx a lot!
I knew about "Get Sizes" but I didn't know it uses them in the StatusBar information:)