Skip Identical All?


There is a "Skip", "Skip All" then "Skip Identical". How come no "Skip Identical All"? Or is mine not working correctly? I have to keep hitting "Skip Identical" per duplicate file (image). I would just assume since there is a "Skip All" that there should also be "Skip Identical All". And I'm also assuming that "Skip All" only goes by duplicate name and not taking into count file size/dimensions etc that "Skip Identical" might take into account.


If you search the manual for "Skip Identical" (or push F1 in the Confirm File Replace dialog), it finds just one page:

That page answers both questions:

Sorry, I keep forgetting about this nice, new, updated help file :slight_smile:

Now I know why it seems to stop when I do "Skip Identical"... it's because of the time stamps. I'm guessing there is no way to change this? Name and File Size is good enough for me.

Sorry to take up your time Leo. Beer money is still on it's way :wink:

You could use the Sync tool if you want to compare file contents and see which files have actually changed, but then you lose the ability to auto-rename on clashes where you want to keep both files, so maybe it's not what you want.

Anothet way is to use the Duplicate Finder to find and delete any duplcates up front. Then when you do the copy you know every file haa different contents.

Yeah, that's what I've been doing, if I remember. Oh well, not that big of a deal :slight_smile: Thanks again Leo

I still have this question. I am copying over a large number of files but don't want to copy over those that are identical (name, date, size). So I select "skip identical". But I cannot simply leave this unattended because the very next time another identical pair is encountered, I am prompted again.

Why can't I select something like "every time an identical pair is encountered, skip it."? Why do I need to confirm every single file conflict?

And if this is what "Skip All" does, why have both? What's the difference?

I'm sure there's a simple answer but the threads and docs I've seen so far don't seem to answer what is different about these two options, and assuming they are different, why there isn't an "all" option for "skip identical".


Skip Identical will skip all identical* files (else there would be no point to it, as it would be the same as Skip).

(* Meaning name, size and date in this context.)

If you're prompted a second time, then the size or date of the file you're prompted about must be different. (Or you're being prompted for a different reason, like a file is read-only and needs to be overwritten.)