Slideshow ms timer

I really would appreciate if the image viewer could support auto advance at a fast rate than one per second.

I'd like accurate millisecond control over the frame advancement. I'm a graphics artist so viewing it at exactly 30 frames per second is a MUST HAVE. Every other good image viewer has this. Opus really needs it so I can dump IrfanView for general use.


Don't forget to file an official feature requestso that your idea makes it into the database.

thanks for the link and idea. Didn't know that even existed...


It is a slideshow feature rather than an animation feature, but if finer control would make it useful then why not, I guess.

If you scroll through images using the space bar or mouse wheel (depending on which are configured to move to the next image), does it animate fast enough? The viewer isn't really optimized for this kind of thing so the delays caused by loading and decoding the next image (which, at least right now, isn't done until the image is about to be displayed) may mean you'll never get smooth animation, except for quite small images or on a very fast PC.

For the time being, if there's a viewer program that can take a list of frames on the command line and then play them as an animation, then you could make a button in Opus which sends all the selected files to it. Or, if you always want it to work on all images in the current directory, it could send a list of all files without the need to select them.

Well, many viewers out there double buffer so the next image is loaded and then displayed at exactly the interval requested. Even if it is not, when viewing a sequence of frames, it is consistent and plays at a fairly consistent rate. The problem with just holding space, it goes WAY TOO fast.

Also, I realize that I can load it into an external viewer, but I really prefer Opus's since it has a nice way to show image info, tag it, autoselected background image, etc. These features are not available in external viewers.

I guess if holding space goes too fast then everything is working fast enough to do what you want, so yeah, seems like a useful request.