Slow folder content listing

I create a new topic to not pollute iieean's thread.
I have uploaded a video on youtube for you to see what is the problem, the video is self-explained.

Does it only happen on that drive?

Does it still happen if you close the folder tree?

No it happen on my 2 network drives.

Yes, problem still here.

What type of network drives are they? Is it a Windows machine at the other end or something else?

If you open a Command Prompt and type "dir X:" does the listing come back quickly?

Drives are from NAS server, one from a Synology (212j) and the other one from a set top box.
If i browse the drives with the command prompt, everything works great, like with MS explorer.

Do you have the latest firmware installed on the Synology? That has fixed some similar issues in the past. ... p?lang=enu

Yes thank you for the link, but I have already updated my synology, because at the first time I thought it was NAS problem until I test MS explorer (which I never use).
Is it a problem to use Dopus on Win7 which is running on Mac Mini with bootcamp ?

Using a Mac shouldn't matter.

Are those video files or audio files in the folders?

Are there any other columns turned on which can't be seen in the YouTube video? (The top/bottom of it is cropped so I can't see if there is a scrollbar.)

If you look in Task Manager, on the Processes and Networking tabs, is anything using significant CPU or network bandwidth while the directory is read?