Slow folder expanding/content listing (MSE related?)

I installed DOpus on new laptop and found the speed of DOpus becomes very slow compared to earlier experience.
For example, when i click the triangle at C:, it took 6 seconds to expands the folders; and when i click on Program Files (x86) again, it will take 8-9 seconds to expand the subfolders.

I experienced the worst was 18 seconds just to expand the a folder to show the subfolders inside.

I know something has gone wrong either with the windows 7 itself or DOpus setting, because earlier the same action was almost instant.
What could be the reason? Do i need to reset the whole DOpus setting to default and how to do that?

Aww... forgot this forum does not allow post editing.

Additional info:

  1. Antivirus are the same before and current - Microsoft Security Essential.
  2. Windows Performance setting:-
  3. SSD indexing - tried off and on the same.
  4. Intel Rapid Storage
  5. WPI

Do you see delays in Windows Explorer as well?

Windows Explorer has slight delay (the most 1 sec) as compared to DOpus, the mouse pointer always show busy icon when opening folder. Using Win7 x64 sp1.

I will disconnect the laptop from the stupid Aten CubiQ CM0264 KVM and try again. That KVM has retarded virtual CD-ROM that causes problem in Win7 and many programs. Win7 took 10 min to boot because trying to detect what that stupid virtual drive is. I am not absolutely sure if it is the cause of delay in folder opening, because the same KVM is used with earlier laptop using Win7 x64 sp1 as well without the delay problem.

Tested without the KVM still the same. Windows Explorer is more responsive than DOpus.

I noticed the following, when i click on the folder tree the small triangle beside the main folder or even double click on the main folder itself, the files or subfolders will be listed out in the panel between 0-2 sec. However, the folder tree will take very long time to expand the subfolders under it although they are already listed in the panel. the mouse cursor has busy icon if stay at the folder tree column.

Under Windows Explorer, the folder tree will list out the subfolder fast, but with busy mouse icon too.

Try turning off everything under Preferences / Folder Tree / Appearance: Show in Folder Tree to see if that speeds things up.

I'd say the issue is on your machine, and it's just affecting Opus and Explorer in slightly different ways.

Reinstall Windows 7 and solved everything :sunglasses:

Same delay happened again, but this time i manage to find the exact problem. It is the Microsoft Security Essential Antivirus that caused the serious delay. Disable the antivirus real time protection and everything is smooth again. Not sure about other antivirus, sigh...

I have similar problem, but only on network folders.
Dopus is very slow to open network folders (4-5s) while Mircrosoft Explorer open folders instantly.
I have tested a lot of parameters but nothing change.
I have a fresh install of dopus and no antivirus program.
Do you have a clue ?

Dopus has problem in folder tree panel. Try to work within the content panel only. In my case, double click to open folder in the content panel is much faster than using the folder tree panel. The mouse icon is always with busy icon under folder tree panel.

With antivirus on for example, I tried to open the System32 folder under Windows. Double click the System32 under fight panel, the folders and files will display either instantly or delay up to 2-3 seconds; and once it is done, the left panel will still remain busy (when mouse icon moved there) and took >10 seconds to display the folder list. This is DOpus problem.

Windows Explorer is generally much more responsive than DOpus especially the folder tree panel, delay maximum at 2 seconds only and rarely happen. In DOPus the delay is horrible and not usable at all, the busy icon come out very frequently under folder tree panel.
The experiment can only be done once per every reboot to clear the memory cache.

Without antivirus, Both DOpus and Windows Explorer are working normally, but Windows Explorer is still slightly more responsive than DOpus but the difference is negligible.

Turning off Preferences / Folder Tree / Appearance / ZIP Files if it's on may speed things up.

I went to that preference and found it is not ticked by default.

I have started my computer this morning and everything was fine, no more problem with dopus, yes !
But 5 min later, dopus goes slow again.
I put a video on youtube for you to see exactly what the problem is.

like iieeann, the option is not ticked too.

If your problem is being caused by your virus checker you may need to look at telling it to ignore Opus, or find a better virus checker.

I had this exact same issue. I turned on/off almost every setting I could think of that might be an issue.. then I found this thread. I too use Security Essentials and turning off the real-time monitoring did the job .. except SE is angry that it is off. I went to the SE settings tab and excluded \path\dopus.exe. The directory tree has regained the spring in it's step. :smiley:

lol this is old post but seems there are people still facing this issue.

I found my solution, for my case it is the MICROSOFT SECURITY ESSENTIAL that caused the problem.
Recently i got a very cheap company plan for Norton IS and after uninstalling MSE and installing NIS, all the delays in DOpus are gone.

However NAV gives me some other problems but has nothing to do with DOpus.