Slow Sub Directory Reading


I have a strange issue. This is what I experience.
I have a directory on a portable HD (a 6TB USB3 HD (NTFS) - but this is permanently plugged into the computer). I have a folder in there where i use to download files. Over a period of time, there would of been 10000s of directories created and deleted. If i browse to the directory (i:\download), the directory shows up nice and fast.
But if i select a sub directory that i haven't been into before, (.i.e., i:\download\something), then it takes around 5 seconds or so to show the contents of the directory (doesn't matter if it has 1 file or 1000 files), The strange thing, is if i go back into the directory (i:\downloads) at a later time (or after a shutdown and reboot), the directory loads up pretty much instantly
I tried downloading to a different directory (say i:\download2), and reading the sub directories in that is pretty much instant. I also try to go into a directory which dopus has never been into before, and that works nice and fast. The only directory that it does it to is the one where the directories were created/deleted.
To me it seems like Dopus is checking against a cache list of directory names? - is this possible?
I am running Windows 10, and have Kaskersky Internet security installed (don't know this this has anything to do with it).
On my previous machine, i had the same issue as well.

Does the same happen in Explorer (after waiting the same amount of time, and opening a folder that hasn't been opened in anything else before)?

My guess is it will be the same. Opus just asks Windows for the directory listing. Windows may cache listings that have been done recently.

Some external drives go to sleep and spin down, even if Windows is configured not to, which can mean they have to spin up to read data (e.g. a directory listing) that hasn't already been cached. It's probably that spin-up time that's causing the delay.

Antivirus can also delay things in some cases, especially with downloads folders that are full of installer exes or large archives.

Hi, i didn't try opening with explorer, and you are right, it is the same. confirms it is a windows issue.
i know the hd hasn't gone to sleep, as it is being used at the same time.
thanks for the tip.. i found the solution:

stupid windows.


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