Small BUG: Create New Folder(s)


There is a bug (or rather missing feature) when using the Create Folder(s)

When we create multiple Folders (seperated by a comma),

The problem : When there is a folder that allready exists, we can only choose abort, and all folders after that won't get created.

Example :

We have the Folder "Folder 2" that exists.

  • We choose "Create Folders" and we enter : Folder 1,Folder 2,Folder 3,Folder 4,Folder 5

--> DO will create Folder 1 ... It will than show a dialog with the options "Retry" and "Abort"that it cannot create Folder 2

I don't know why there is the option "Retry" since it will never work, but then we can do nothing else than "Abort", and thus Folder 3, Folder 4 and Folder 5 aren't created.

Please, this is a small bug, could be simply corrected by a "Skip this Folder" button. :wink:

I agree.

If you haven't already please report it to GPSoftware:

Thanks, I'll report it.