Smp3/tmp3 always shows 00:00

I just put in smp3 in my status bar and noticed that it always shows 00:00, no matter what I have selected. At one point it showed something like "49710 d 6:46" but when de-selecting and selecting the same file it showed zero again.

Two caveats:

  1. I see the "audio tag" viewer plugin doesn't list mp3 as a supported type
  2. I have dBPowerAmp installed which has its own shell extension for viewing audio file tags

Could any of the above two relate to my issue? If not, what could be the problem here?

Since I can't edit my post, I've got one more thing: it works for AVI and WMV.

If you turn on the Music / Duration column does it show valid values for your files?

Opus supports MP3 files natively which is why the audiotags plugin doesn't handle them.

Nope, still the same I'm afraid. I restarted Opus too just in case.

When you say "the same" do you mean the same result in the status bar?
Do you actually see valid values in the Music / Duration column?

Oh, sorry for the brevity.

The columns work as intended, yes. If I enable the Duration column the status bar still says either 00:00 or 49710 d 6:46, even after restarting Opus :frowning:

What status bar definition are you using?

A custom one.

{i:dir} {sd}/{td} {i:file} {sf}/{tf} {i:.mp3} {smp3}/{tmp3} [{sba} selected]{h!} ({hi} hidden items){h!} [folder size: {tba}] Length: {smp3} {rpad} {dlab} ({dlet}) - {pu}% full, {df} free {fl}

Also, I just noticed that mp3's show up as hex data in the viewer pane, might this be a clue?

Thanks for that, we've been able to reproduce the problem now and it will be fixed in the next version.

That's good to hear Jon :smiley:
