SOLVED Phantom Desktop Folder ONLY DOpus, not Explorer/Shell

Dopus 12.6 x64 Pro on Win10 Home 64 1607 shows on the desktop (Path "Desktop") an unnamed folder together with the DOpus special folders (like ftp, collections, ...)

Changing into it by double click changes to to the file path of the desktop (special folder vanish):

Trying to delete the phantom folder with Del has no effect, Trying the context menu / right mouse button yields

No idea when, why this phantom occurs. Since it's around DOpus sometimes crashes when copying files from/to the Desktop.

The folder is not shown in Explorer not both shells - Any ideas? Thank you.

Please go to Preferences, Folders, Virtual Folders and turn off anything under Desktop which you don't want to see. It is probably one of those items, which may not be working on your system.

Yep, it was the "One Drive", regularly killing it, but never saw this phantom effect before...


How do you kill it? We'd like to make Opus hide it automatically.

Now* with W10Privacy, tab "One Drive", checking all and apply ... done:

*) Some time ago I uninstalled one drive by editing the registry (lots of mostly bad instructions around). Found W10Privacy by recommendation, great tool but I think W10Privacy made the phantom folder by totally nuking one drive.
