Some command put Help on top of program

On Win7, if I have the maximised DO Help window open behind the program window, various commands such as CTRL+L, CTRL+C (but not e.g. CTRL+A) bring the Help window on top of the program window, covering it.

Is here any way to prevent this annoyance? Preferences search "Help" offers Advanced,... but I see no relevant option within.


Looks like that happens if a progress dialog is created while the help window is open, which we'll look into.

I'm guessing you've turned off Preferences / File Operations / Progress Indicators: Delayed progress indicators if I'm right about what's triggering it and it's happening for you with Ctrl+C (since Ctrl+C is usually almost instant).

If so, then it is invisible to me on CTRL+L, CTRL+C etc.


Not at all. In fact I'm deliberately avoiding changing any Preferences for the first phase of this evaluation.

CTRL+C is indeed usually apparently instant. And thanks for the guess, but even when it exceeds the delay, it shows no progress indicator.

Also (assuming 'Delayed progress indicators' is a mislabelling and actually what it enables is the delay rather than the delayed indicators), I'm surprised that even with it uncheckmarked, CTRL+C on 20K files shows no progress indicator.

This looks very similar to a problem I reported last month in v11 Beta 9. See [url=]. In v11.2, the behaviour has changed slightly in that the Help window now jumps to the front on the first copy as well as subsequent ones.

Regards, AB

On my system the DO help comes to front nearly always when trying things and commands, it is very "irritating" indeed.. o)