The attached is a toolbar that add some keys to DOpus for working with CDs and CD_UTILs. Each key does two task, one with right-clicking and another with left-clicking.
- [u]CD > ISO (including "CD > ISO" and "Files > ISO")[/u]
LMB: Create an ISO image from a CD and save it on source window. The CD image name will be extracted from CD automatically.
RMB: Create an ISO image of selected files on source window and save it on destination window. The CD image name will be asked.
Requirement: The imgBurn (; freeware) should be installed before using the keys.
Your work: Chang the value of strDrive from "M:" to your CD Drive letter. Also, change the path of imgburn.exe to its path on your system.
- [u]CD > NRG (including "CD > NRG" and "Files > NRG")[/u]
LMB: Create a NRG image from a CD and save it on source window. The CD image name will be asked.
RMB: Create a NRG image of selected files on source window and save it on destination window. The name of CD image will be asked.
Requirement: The Nero 8.x ( should be installed before using the keys.
Your work: Chang the value of strDrive from "n" to your CD Drive letter.
Note: Due to a sever bug in nerocmd_v4.0.0.0, creating a NRG image of selected files is impossible if your Nero is version 8.x.x.x to 8.2.x.x. As Nero said, this bug is fixed on version 8.3.x.x. So if your Nero is before v8.3.x.x, you should replace the main with nerocmd.com_v3.0.0.5. You could found the last in Nero_SDK on Nero site.
- [u]NRG > ISO (including "NRG > ISO" and "Burn Image")[/b][/u]
LMB: Convert selected NRG images from source window to ISO images on destination window.
RMB: Burn the first selected image (ISO or NRG) to CD.
Requirement: Converting need the command-line version of nrg2iso.exe (; freeware) and burning need Nero.
Your work: Chang the value of strWriter from m to your Writer letter. Also, change the path of nrg2iso.exe to its path on your system.
- [u]Mount Image (including "Mount Image" and "Eject Image")[/u]
LMB: Mount a selected image (NRG or ISO) and open it in a new tab. If you left-click on the key without selecting an image file previously, the Nero ImageDrive will be opened. If you don't like this feature, replace {f!} with {f}.
RMB: Eject the mounted image.
Requirement: The Nero ImageDrive (presented in Nero package) should be activated before using the keys.
Your work: Chang the value of strDrive from o: to the first virtual drive letter created by Nero ImageDrive.
Note: The installation path of Nero ImageDrive is detected automatically by the keys.
Best Regards
CDUTILs.dop (6.57 KB)