Some Question I've Met

1、I created a button with command "SetAttr DESCRIPTION", how could I clear the history of description in the diglog's arrow;
2、Can I close some toolbar automatically When I close the Lister(main window);
3、I made some 3-keys buttons, but when I haven't choose some file or folder, it turns gray, that's not what I expect, What should I do?
thanks for your concentration, May someone coule teach me any of them above

Answering question 1 (please ask only one question per thread): There is no regular way to clear the history. But you can
safely delete the file comment.osd, which you can find in /dopuslocaldata to clear the history.

[quote="abr"]Answering question 1 (please ask only one question per thread): There is no regular way to clear the history. But you can
safely delete the file comment.osd, which you can find in /dopuslocaldata to clear the history.[/quote]
Thanks, I've handle it, Thank you.

[ul][li]2) Do you mean toolbars that are part of the lister, or floating toolbars separate from the lister?

[li]3) Three-Buttons are only disabled if all of the buttons they contain are all disabled. Presumably the commands on each of the buttons require selected files to work and don't do anything without any selected files, which is usually why they would be disabled until some files are selected.[/li][/ul]

[quote="leo"][ul][li]2) Do you mean toolbars that are part of the lister, or floating toolbars separate from the lister?
[li]3) Three-Buttons are only disabled if all of the buttons they contain are all disabled. Presumably the commands on each of the buttons require selected files to work and don't do anything without any selected files, which is usually why they would be disabled until some files are selected.[/li][/ul][/quote]
2) the toolbars are part of the lister. I created a button, when I switch to the duplicate mode, at the same time, display the toolbar I wish(for example:"center"), but if I close the lister in the duplicate mode, the toolbar "center" doesn't close, I just need it in the duplicate mode, but my default setting is single mode.
3) I defined a blank button assign to middle button to carry my point. Thank you for your explanation.

  1. The Toolbar command you're using to open the toolbars has a LOCAL argument which will make it only open them in the current lister.

  2. That'll work, although it seems odd to want a button to be enabled when it's in a state where it won't do anything, unless you just don't like how disabled buttons look or it's being disabled in error?

[quote="leo"]2) The Toolbar command you're using to open the toolbars has a LOCAL argument which will make it only open them in the current lister.

  1. That'll work, although it seems odd to want a button to be enabled when it's in a state where it won't do anything, unless you just don't like how disabled buttons look or it's being disabled in error?[/quote]
    2)I got it, my english is so poor, when I create that button, I missed "LOCAL", Thank so much.
    3)I just hate the state of button being gray :smiley: it's so ugly