Sort Order for Find and Listers

Sort sequences between normal Listers and a Find aren't the same.

Find results is on the left and regular Lister on the right.

Is there a setting(s) to make them the same? (I prefer the Find order as logically I like a blank being lower than something else...)

See the Display tab under Tools -> Folder Options, or when editing Folder Formats in Preferences. There are options to control numeric sorting and word/hyphen sorting.

Also, if you're looking at the Fonts folder it's also possible that Explorer is handling its display, not Opus. That depends on what you have set under Preferences - Folders - Virtual Folders.

Thank you for the response.

My problem is there a different sequence for the same data depending whether it's being displayed from a Lister or from the Find panel.

Is there another Preferences or Options for the Find panel?

(These examples were fonts but not from the Windows/Font directory.)

BTW when I changed from:

[quote]Replace Explorer for all file system folders (recommended)[/quote]To:[quote]Replace Explorer for all folders[/quote]the thumbnail View displayed thumbnails in the Windows/Font directory as you'd hope.

AFAIK there aren't any settings to change the sort order of results displayed in the Find window.

However, I don't think there's much reason to display results in the Find window at all.

You can output Find results to a collection which is displayed in a lister. There you get the same sorting, display modes, toolbar buttons and so on that you get with any other directory, unlike the Find window which is fairly limited.

Both the standalone Find window and the Find panel (i.e. the Utility Panel that you can toggle on to the bottom of the lister window) can send results to a collection.

Didn't you say you were happy with the way the Find panel sorts things and wanted to change the way the lister sorts? You should be able to do that via Folder Options.

The Explorer Replacement settings won't affect how anything is displayed within Opus. They will only affect whether double-clicking (or otherwise launching) a folder from outside of Opus opens an Opus window or an Explorer window. Navigation within Opus always stays within Opus.

The Virtual Folders settings were the ones I mentioned. Changing those will affect how some folders are displayed within Opus. If a folder is treated as virtual then Opus uses Explorer's components (running inside of the Opus window) to display that folder. If a folder is treated as real then Opus display is by itself, without using Explorer at all, showing the real files and directories instead of the "virtual" view of them which Explorer pretends exists.

If you're just viewing a normal directory with some font files in it then it doesn't matter either way. Only some special folders have a "virtual" version of themselves. Windows\Fonts is one such folder. (The Internet Explorer cache is another one.)

Thanks again, leo, for the fast response. I will look closely at what you recommend though I haven't found a need for collections before.

However, it would seem that such inconsistency should be repaired. It also seems a shame to have to do something some other way because of an obvious program design/execution bug!!

If it were up to me the inconsistency would be repaired by removing the Find window (or at least display of results in it) completely. Or everyone just pretends that it doesn't exist. Problem solved. :slight_smile:

Personally, I don't think it would be worth GPSoftware's time improving the standalone Find window when there's no real reason to use it anymore. They improved it by making it redundant. It's a left-over from the past, IMO. (Maybe GPSoftware feel differently though. I can't speak for them. That's just my personal take on it.)

If you remove the Find window that doesn't mean you remove the Search capability does it? I've not been keeping up with the progress here so how does one search for a file name or contents nowadays if not with the Find window?

I didn't like my first reading of Collections. I don't want to establish a physical group of records every time I do a search as I do many searches every day. Especially if I could get in trouble deleting them...

Leo is talking about the find window - not the built in find pane.

The Find panel has been in Opus for a long time: Tools -> Find Panel.

The results overwrite the previous set of results (unless you manually change the output name) so you won't accumulate a new collection every time you search unless you do so on purpose.