Source Lister lose Directory Focus after executing command

I use a dedicated Folder comparison tool called Foldermatch
I have defined a button to execute the following command.

C:\Program Files\Sysinternals\Pskill\pskill.exe FolderMatch.exe
C:\Program Files\FolderMatch\FolderMatch.exe {filepath} {filepathdest}

In order for it to work properly, I click on the two folder paths I want to compare.
For example


ie in the Source Lister, C:\FILES is highlighted in dark blue
and in the Destination Lister, E:\FILESOLDER is highlighted in dark blue

When I click the defined button, pskill kills Foldermatch if it's already running

Foldermatch then loads and compares the two directories as expected.

When I go back to Dopus, I find that in the Source Lister, C:\FILES is no longer highligted in dark blue. All I can see is a .... (dotted line box) around C:\FILES

In the Destination Lister, E:\FILESOLDER remains highlighted in dark blue.

What did I do wrong and how do I get the "Focus" to return back to C:\FILES (ie the dark blue highlighted)

Please note that C:\FILES is just one of many directories in the Source Lister.

Add @NODESELECT to the command:

C:\Program Files\Sysinternals\Pskill\pskill.exe FolderMatch.exe
C:\Program Files\FolderMatch\FolderMatch.exe {filepath} {filepathdest}


Works perfectly.

Just wondering, is there anywhere where people can share how they configure Dopus to match the basic command set of another file manager, whether Norton Commander or whatever they have been using.

In that way, potential users will not find it easier to overcome ingrained habits that they have acquired the years. They can continue to use their old File Manager side by side with Dopus and over a period of time, transition over completely.


The Buttons and Toolbars or Tutorials forums would be a good place to post that sort of thing.