Start Menu - Directory Location

I have shortcuts on my StartMenu to be able to load programs. I would like to be able to open a directory where I can view and select the file I want to open. Can you help me with this.

You can use the /start and /commonstartmenu aliases in Opus to find the locations of the start menu folder.

I use Opus to modify my start menu whenever I wanted to add a program that I want fast access to. my situation is that I would also like to be able to fast access files. I know if I right-click my desktop I will have access to lister layouts. if I create a special layout I can just select or have access to the folders and files.

I'm just looking for some way to add to the start menu a command that will give me access to a directory. Pretty much the same way that if I were to put word.exe on the start menu I then would be able to click on it and execute Microsoft Word.

Drop a shortcut to the directory in your start menu folder.

It seems I have had Opus for years. Yup I have. This saves me a lot of aggravation. Thanks for help. For the next couple of hours I am going to do some serious directory location. Thanks again.