Status bar codes question

Hi, i´m using status bar codes, which is nice, but i found, that drive L: isn´t displayed, while all other drives are ok.

This is the code from tanis:

[quote]{h!L} <#ff0000> {hiL} </#>{h!L}
Dirs: {sdL}/{tdL}
Dateien: {sfL}/{tfL}
{sbLa} / {tbLa}
{bg+v=sbL/700m,c=#8eb2e4,c3=#FF0000, w=25, f=2,l=0}{bg+v=sbL/1000m,c=#8eb2e4,c3=#FF0000, w=24, f=2,l=0}{bg+v=sbL/4.5g,c=#8eb2e4,c3=#FF0000, w=50, f=2,l=1}
{dfL} frei {bgL+f=2,w=50,g=0,c=#55aa55,b=#f0f0f0}{rleft-}
{h!R} <#ff0000> {hiR} </#>{h!R}
Dirs: {sdR}/{tdR}
Dateien: {sfR}/{tfR}
{sbRa} / {tbRa} {rpad}
{bg+v=sbR/700m,c=#8eb2e4,c3=#FF0000, w=25, f=2,l=0}{bg+v=sbR/1000m,c=#8eb2e4,c3=#FF0000, w=24, f=2,l=0}{bg+v=sbR/4.5g,c=#8eb2e4,c3=#FF0000, w=50, f=2,l=1}
{dfR} frei {bgR+f=2,w=50,g=0,c=#55aa55,b=#f0f0f0}

Why could L: be missed? Is something to be changed within that code?

What exactly do you mean by "isn't displayed" ?

Hi, i was about to write some lenghty explanations, but however, must have made a mistake. :confused:

It does function the way it´s supposed to. I guess i had a bunch of files in that dir for testing, expecting them to be sufficient to show the usual effects, but it most likely wasn´t enough data to cause any bar showing up. Sorry for this one.