Steam desktop shortcuts handled wrong with preview opened

i just got directory opus via the humble bundle. it seems very nice! However i got one bug:

when the preview sidebar is enabled, selecting a shortcut from a steamgame (by clicking once) will immediatly launch the application, instead of just highlighting it.
This is probably, because steam doesnt set its shortcuts up as windows-shortcuts (.lnk) but as internetshortcuts (.url) with targets like this:

Thanks for the report!

That makes sense mechanically, although I agree isn't really what you'd want or expect to happen.

If a .url file is displayed in the viewer, we ask an embedded instance of Internet Explorer to display it, and pass it the .url file. Launching Steam is probably what IE will do when asked to display a Steam URL.

I guess we could add a check so the viewer looks inside .url files to see if the URL starts with steam:// (or maybe starts with any protocol that isn't http:// https:// or ftp://). If it finds that, it could fall back on displaying a thumbnail for the file instead of trying to view it in a browser. My concern with that idea is working out the best blacklist or whitelist of URLs to avoid not blocking other things which are similar, without also breaking something that works and people currently rely on. Making that choice is probably the only hard part, though; the rest should be fairly easy for us to do.

This has been changed for the next update (12.2.5 beta, then later 12.3 stable).

Steam .URL files will be treated as simple text files by the viewer, so you can see the details of what they point to.

Wow you guys are fast! Thanks for the update!

Not always this fast, but sometimes. :slight_smile: In this case, it was a very easy change to make.