Stop At Match Groups

I had an idea to colour a status icon based on its history. I made a disk icon red when the file or folder was made today, orange this week, green this month. I have to order them properly and use 'stop on match' to get them to only show one icon at a time, instead of all three, for an item that was created today.

The problem is now it stops before processing the modified date too (Its own icon would be colored flags). I want the same three colour system for both created and modified. But since it stops on match, it no longer evaluates modified, since they are lower in the list. But if I put modified above, then created won't process. Is there a way to stop on match only per group?

Filter Labels

Created Icons

Created Status

If you just want one label to apply (whichever is newest), re-order them so both "Today" ones come first, then the "This Week" ones, then the "This Month" ones last.

Alternatively, instead of using stop-on-match, you could define the filters so they are mutually exclusive. For example, "Created This Month" would check if the creation date was within the last month but NOT within the last week. (You might also want it to check if the modified date was newer as well, to allow the rule for that to take priority, if you want separate labels for the two things.)

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Ok. Didn't realize I could have multiple clauses per filter.
It's working now. Week must not match with day, and month must not match with week and day.

This pic is just showing that the icons match the dates. Disk icon is 'created', Flag is 'modified'.
Red = today, orange = week, green = month
Status Good

Now I can get rid of those columns, just having status icons, freeing up space for comments and tags. Now that those columns are gone I don't have access to the exact date/time numbers, so I added those columns to the 'Programs' folder format, with 100% content threshold, so it will basically never trigger on its own.

Programs Format Type

I can choose that to see those columns in the rare event I need that data. Cause I can't have a basic ass hold Alt for immediate tooltips, apparently.

This seems to have broken my 'Pin to top' status icons somehow. Files no longer move to the top when I add a pinned status icon. ?


When changing metadata it isn't triggering some of my "modified" status flags for some reason.
It's odd cause I'm getting green flags instead of red (modified this month, instead of what it should be, modified today). Some of them aren't triggering at all. It's pretty random.

No Flag

Not sure if status will trigger within subfolders as well? Could we please get that option in the labels options. A button we could check: "Apply to this folder and all its subfolders".