Stored queries not persisting

I am able to:

  • create an advanced filter in the unity panel
  • create a stored query including adding a folder and checking the refresh option
  • specify the folder to be searched in the unity panel 'find in'
  • select the results collection in the unity panel drop-down

But my properties have not been persisting which I guess is because I haven't put anything in the query window.
But how do I convert my filter into a query?
Or am I misunderstanding what is going on?

My mistake was not including a query in the query box

Stored Queries are for Windows Search query strings, like you'd put into the small search box at the top right of Opus or File Explorer.

They're completely separate from Opus's own Filters, which you can use in the big Tools > Find Files panel.

You can't save a filter into a Stored Query. They are two unrelated things.