I have been trying to resolve this issue with Opus since I first started using it. Until now, I've just sort of worked my way around the issue, and mostly forget that it exists, unless I do a shutdown or restart in a way other than what I normally do.
Anyways, the issue is this: If I have Opus minimized to the Taskbar when I do a shutdown, or a restart, then when WindowsXP starts up again, the Icon is in the Taskbar, just as it should be, minimized. The problem is that when I click on the Taskbar icon, Opus displays in a small window, maybe about 50% of full size. I then have to click on the Maximize button to get it to display fill size.
I've tried all sorts of things to resolve this issue. I have Opus in full size, and then set it as the Default Lister layout, and in prefs, I have Opus set to start with Windows, and open the Default Lister. But, it still does the same thing, when Opus is minimized on system shutdown or restart, I just get that little size window after restart, and I click on the Opus Taskbar icon.
My workaround is to just leave Opus full sized and displayed, when I do a shutdown or restart. But, really, it is a weak workaround, because when the system restarts, Opus is started in full screen mode, instead of minimized to the Taskbar. But at least I don't have to click the Maximize button to get it to display full size.
Opus may not be remembering its previous window size before it was minimized. I've seen this before once or twice and it makes sense knowing how the Windows API works.
Well, after putting in my report, here's the reply I got from Dr. Perry:
[quote]Perhaps post a message to the DOpus Resource Centre with details so others
can see if they can repeat the issue or can shed any light on exactly what
you are seeing.
Regards, Dr Greg Perry
GPSoftware, PO Box 570, Ashgrove, Qld Australia 4060 Ph/fax +617 33661402
Email: www.gpsoft.com.au[/quote]
I seem to be going in circles here. I still cannot figure out what is going on with Opus. All my other programs react just fine to this issue, Opus is the only one that just will not play nice when it comes to restarting in the minimized mode.
I suppose I'll just have to keep using my lame workaround for it, until someone else has the same problem, and a solution is found for it.
I've never seen this either, but I just now changed my options to start Opus minimized upon XP boot up. If I notice anything unusual, I'll report back.
Well, for some reason the problem has fixed itself. It now behaves as it should, and although I know the reason why, I still don't know the reason why.
What happened is this: I updated my version of Comodo Firewall Pro to the new version 3 that was just released, and after that, Opus will start in the minimized mode just fine. I found out by accident when Comodo did a system restart during install, and Opus was minimized.
Go figure..... So, like I said, I know the reason is because of the version change in Comodo, but I still don't know why Opus didn't play well with the previous version of Comodo.
Possibly the firewall was in some way blocking or delaying Opus from saving the window size state data while windows was in the process of shutting down? Stranger incompatibilities have happened with varoius firewalls over the years...