As it says above... I would like if the states of the tabs (enabled/disabled and position) are included and can be recalled with a change of the style.
That already happens by default, unless I am missing a detail:
- Set up some tabs
- Add a new style
- Change which tabs are open and active
- Select the style that was just added
- You should be back to how they were when the style was created.
Styles can be set not to modify tabs as well, but their default behavior is that.
I am talking about where the tabs appear - above/left/right/below. This is not recalled with the change of style.
Also, maybe there is a possibility to have control over the borders - different toolbars in the headers (when border is set to display a toolbar) and different border configurations, according to the style.
Where the tab bar appears is only currently configurable globally, via Preferences. It's not something that can currently be changed in individual windows (without affecting all other windows).
The file display toolbar is similar.
If either of those changes then we would probably make it so styles can control them, but it's not something that is currently possible. (There have been some similar requests to be able to change where the tab bar appears via commands without opening Preferences, so it's not out of the question.)
On the other hand, normal toolbars can be turned on and off and moved around in individual windows independently, and styles can affect them.
Thank you @Leo !
I will see what I can do to work around this until (hopefully) one day we get the implemented options