I have added a column svn-status in my folders. This works fine, but I want to group the files according to the svn-status, which is not possible (grouping according to extension, date, etc. works fine as soon as I click alt-click on the column header). Is there something I am missing, or is it just not possible (than it is a wish for the next release)
I would say, it´s not possible at the moment. I never heard or read anything about svn-status as a Opus column.
You can't group by SVN Status or other columns added by shell extensions. The shell extension (presumably we are talking about TortoiseSVN in this case) simply tells Opus what text to display in the column for each file. Opus does not know what the values given to it mean, which possible values or ranges of values there are, or how to it makes sense to group them.
I'm not sure that there is a way for shell extensions to specify those things since grouping was added to Windows Explorer in Vista, which is the same version that removed support for the actual shell extension columns. Opus still supports both, but AFAIK there was never a time when Windows Explorer supported both so there was probably never an API defined to make grouping work with shell extension columns. (I might be wrong, though. This is largely guesswork.)
It looks like it should be fairly easy to make this work to some extent, so we'll try and improve this in a future version.