Suggestion: autosize name fields to use arithmetic middle?


i currently have autosizing off, because of this. One single file with overlength can push all other columns out of sight, since i mostly use the dual lister mode with a bit limited space. Typically most average files are much shorter than that few very long ones.

Wouldn´t it be nice to have an additional option, where the average file length would determine the size of autosize (i don´t know if arithmetic middle is the right term, but it sounded nice for the topic :slight_smile:). It wouldn´t be a big deal, if a couple of overlength files wouldn´t show completely. The overall usability would be increased, imho, because you would have some autosizing and decent proportions.

Maybe an alternative would be to have autosize for listers, but being able to set a maxautosize parameter or so? Like those parameters in -> preferences -> miscellaneous -> advanced.