Suggestion: continuously save tabs

Currently, DOpus saves its tabs on DOpus exit, which is no good for me. I would like to see an option that tabs are saved continuously (on each change).

On my PC, current DOpus behaviour is not good because DOpus is always on and it 'exits' only during some crash. The crash is either:

  • my Windows are quite stabile, but on uptimes of 1-2 months, some driver-related crash will happen eventually
  • DOpus crashes because of some shell extension (mostly caused by TortoiseSVN)

I don't believe the performance penalty would be noticeable (but, even if it would, I could live with it).


That would be very confusing, i think. Many users are changing folders in their various tabs all the time, so searching for a specific "snapshot" would be like the search for a
needle in a haystack, i´m afraid. As we have it now, we can save important tab groups, & reload them. The next best solution i could imagine, would be some option to save
the history for the last ten (or so) locations per tab, like we already have in a continous session without quitting Opus.

That would be very confusing, i think. Many users are changing folders in their various tabs all the time, so searching for a specific "snapshot" would be like the search for a
needle in a haystack, i´m afraid. As we have it now, we can save important tab groups, & reload them. The next best solution i could imagine, would be some option to save
the history for the last ten (or so) locations per tab, like we already have in a continous session without quitting Opus.[/quote]

Nope, that wouldn't work for me. My current set of tabs represents what I am doing currently and it changes during the day.

I don't need 'searching for a specific snapshot' feature; I need the last state of DOpus tabs, even if crash happened. Note that this is a normal behaviour od my DOpus if I exit gracefully by selecting the exit option (no confusions there, right?).

Also, please note that this is the common behaviour of web browsers; in the case of crash, they will restore tabs, either out of the box or with some SessionRestore addin.

Ok, i see now, what you mean. I thought you were talking about continuously recording all the tabs. Then it makes sense.
On the other hand we have already some setting to open the last used lister, including tabs, so it would be better, to hunt down
the reason for the crashes in the first place.

[quote="abr"]Ok, i see now, what you mean. I thought you were talking about continuously recording all the tabs. Then it makes sense.
On the other hand we have already some setting to open the last used lister, including tabs, so it would be better, to hunt down
the reason for the crashes in the first place.[/quote]

i know, but it's kind of impossible since they happen once in a month (I don't turn off my PC during that time) and I don't have an alternative to tortoisesvn :slight_smile:

anyhow, it would be a good thing to have such feature...

Well, you could probably come up with a method that gets you close to what you want, though it may require some compromise on your part for how you navigate around. You could modify the various ways in which you change folders to save over the default (or named?) lister layout.

For instance, if you predominantly change paths by double-clicking on folders in the file display, you could modify the "Left double-click" Event in the 'All folders' File Types settings to run Prefs SETDEFAULTLISTER=force,quiet after the current go command. This would make it so that every time you double-click on a folder to open it - your default lister gets updated.

The caveat is that you might need to change the ~other ways you navigate. As an example, there's no way to customize what happens when you either click the "+" button on the tab-strip, or double-click on the tab-strip to open new tabs... Maybe that doesn't even matter though, if you simply end up double-clicking on a folder afterwards - and don't really need to update the lister layout just because you've opened a new tab.

The conspicuous place which wouldn't be helped by this approach would be if you change paths using the folder tree - which we have no way to customize. But again, if you're willing to modify how you navigate, then you can simply add a variant of the command above so that your default lister gets updated every time you make a folder path change. Shout if interested... but include the various different ways in which you change paths (default or custom buttons, hotkeys, etc).

Actually... I totally forgot we could modify folder tree selection events in Preferences (Preferences / Folder Tree / Selection Events). Unfortunately, GPSoft very likely never expected anyone to have a good reason to want to manually modify the normal Left mouse button event, and Prefs won't let you modify it like all the others (Alt, Ctrl, Shift, MMB, etc) except for a checkbox which modifies the normal Go command for you but is not open to customize manually.

If a built-in option to do what you want isn't something GPSoft feels makes sense - perhaps they could make the Normal Left mouse click event configurable like all the others so that you could run a user command (say "my_go") that would run 'Go' followed by the 'Prefs' command I mentioned above. Making a change like that would !seem to be a lighter weight effort on their part than a built-in option for what you want (maybe :slight_smile: ).

...and for yet 'other' parts of Opus, I've thought from time to time that I would in fact actually like to be able to run custom commands when I Alt, Ctrl, or Shift click on the "+" button on the tab-strip (as well as dbl-clicking on the empty places on the tab-strip) to open new tabs. If we were to get that as well, then you'd have pretty much all of the bases covered in terms of how you might navigate, change or add paths to the lister.