Suggestion: extended filter for folder options

something like this:

What do you think about this idea?

I think you should explain much more :wink:

I think you should explain much more :wink:[/quote]

This is a combination of the current filter dialog & the options in the enhanced search filter. You could basically do more complex filter functions. You could search for hidden folders larger than x, for example.

You already can...

Abr, do you just want to be able to apply a complex filter to show/hide files in the current directory, e.g. by clicking a button? You can already do that using

Select FILTER FILTERFLAGS=hidenomatch

or something along those lines. You'd need to create & save the filter first.

Or do you want to be able to save a complex filter as part of a directory's folder format, so it's always used when you visit that direcory? You can't do that at the moment. What sort of situation would it be used in?

Hi Steve & Leo,

thx for your help. The second possibility would be good, to be able to save
a filter inside a folder.