Suggestion for the F3 search field

Now we can use Tab to access the lister, after the search is finished. But it would be even better,
if we could use the "down" arrow to change the focus.

Also, hotkeys for the view modes, like thumbnails, don´t work while the search field still has
the focus. This could be changed as well for practical reasons.

The down arrow changing focus from an edit box would be nonstandard. Why is that better than pushing tab or Esc?

It´s not better maybe. But i liked that feature in "everything", which i used quite a long time.
By the way, if i push Esc, it leaves the results list, back to the folder, where i started the search in.

True, esc will clear the query. Push return instead of esc to keep the query. Makes more sense than using the down arrow, IMO.

That´s a pleasing solution, because pushing Enter also gives the focus to the results list.